1.1 The club shall be called Bognor and Arun Chess Club.
1.2 The objects of the club shall be the promotion of chess in every way and the harmonious enjoyment of chess by its members.
The club shall comprise a committee of chairman, secretary, and treasurer and members.
3.1 The club shall be governed by the general meeting.
3.2 The affairs of the club shall be managed by the committee who shall act in accord with any general or specific policy or direction made by the general meeting.
3.3 The chairman shall exercise the authority of the committee between its meetings.
4.1 Composition
4.1.1 All members shall be entitled to attend the general meeting, with fully paid-up members having the right to vote.
4.1.2 The chairman shall take the chair of a general meeting.
4.1.3 The quorum for a general meeting shall be 6 members (including committee members) present in person and entitled to vote.
4.2 Date of and notice of meetings.
4.2.1 The secretary shall give members at least 14 days’ notice of a general meeting and of business to be transacted. The accounts prepared by the treasurer, examined and checked by another person, shall be made available at the annual general meeting.
4.2.2 The date of the annual general meeting shall be decided by the committee; no more than 15 months shall elapse between general meetings.
4.2.3 The secretary shall give all members at least two weeks’ notice of the date of the annual general meeting and shall therewith invite proposals to be considered.
4.2.4 Members proposing business to be considered at the annual general meeting (other than business to be proposed by the committee) shall deliver notice thereof to the secretary at least two weeks before the meeting.
4.3 Powers
4.3.1 Without restriction to any other powers it may choose to exercise or to its power to delegate, the following powers and duties shall be reserved to the general meeting: To elect committee members and other officials as necessary, eg grading officer, tournament controller. The committee shall be empowered between annual general meetings to appoint to any vacancy amongst the officers. To approve the annual accounts. To make any changes to the annual membership subscription.
5.1 The committee shall comprise the following:
5.1.1 The chairman, secretary, treasurer, tournament controller.
5.1.2 The terms of office of all committee members shall expire at the end of the following annual general meeting.
6.1 Membership of the club shall be open to all who support its objects. Anyone aged under 18 should be accompanied by a parent.
6.2 Membership shall fall into the following categories:
6.3 Full members.
6.4 Junior members, who shall be aged under 18 at the start of the membership year, paying half full adult fee.
6.5 Social members, not able to participate in tournaments, paying half full adult fee.
6.6 The club's membership year will be from September 1 to August 31.
6.7 Membership subscriptions for all membership categories shall be determined by the general meeting.
6.8 The committee shall have power to cancel or to suspend or to refuse to renew the membership of a member whose conduct is deemed incompatible with the objects of the club or whose conduct has brought the club into disrepute; in so doing the committee shall have full regard to generally recognised principles of natural justice.
6.9 Membership of the club from September 1, 2021, shall imply acceptance of the club constitution and club rules properly and fairly in force for the time being.
6.10 All full-paying senior and junior members have to join the English Chess Federation to enter club competitions.
7 The club's financial year shall run from September 1 annually.
8 Changes to this constitution may be made by a 2/3 majority of those present and voting on such change.
9 The club may only be dissolved by an extraordinary general meeting called specifically for that purpose and if two thirds of those present and voting thereon support such dissolution, in which case the assets of the club shall be distributed as the meeting may decide.